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August 2022 Volunteer of the Month - Priscilla Mazourek


Updated: Sep 9, 2022

If you are hungry and need a good meal, Priscilla Mazourek is a good person to know! Priscilla has spent the past 22 years at The Banquet helping to supervise in the kitchen with groups who bring food. She also packs up extra food for people who need carry outs and for others that are not able to be at The Banquet. She stays to the very end to help with the cleanup and to make sure everything is in its place. Priscilla also works with a group providing food and supplies to the Lake Andes area.

The Yankton Area Banquet provides groups with an opportunity to share hospitality and a meal with those in need. A free meal and fellowship are available every Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the United Church of Christ in Yankton.

Carol Myers, Director of The Banquet said, “Priscilla puts service to others as a priority. We are very grateful to have her as a volunteer of the Banquet. Priscilla puts other’s needs before her own and often will also give monetary donations to the banquet to help when some of our guests or if the banquet needs things. She has a very caring nature and a big heart.”

We asked Priscilla to share more about his volunteerism, in his own words.

I lived in Yankton area since 1958.

I began volunteering in the year 2000.

I volunteer with the Banquet helping in the kitchen and working with the bread pickup. I also make take out meals and pick up supplies. I volunteer at Avera Sacred Heart Hospital at the information desk and the gift shop and at The Center.

Volunteer work in enjoyable because I enjoy working with and engaging the people. It’s a good feeling to be able to make life a little easier for someone.

My best volunteer experience is everything about volunteerism, it is a great experience. Too many “bests” to list!

The advice I would give to those thinking about getting out and volunteering in their communities is just jump in and do it! You won’t be sorry!

Thank you, Priscilla for your extraordinary efforts.

To learn more about local volunteer opportunities or to nominate a Volunteer of the Month, please visit, email, or call United Way of Greater Yankton at (605) 665-6766.

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