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United Way focuses on working together to secure and coordinate resources. We invest in high-quality, integrated, and aligned solutions that are sustainable and create measurable results.


Community Impact Grants

Thank you for your interest in applying for Community Impact Funding from United Way & Volunteer Services of Greater Yankton. Our Board of Directors find this to be one of the most satisfying parts of their involvement with United Way, investing in the success of our partners and learning more about the programs provided to meet the critical human needs in our community. 


United Way's Community Impact Fund - belongs to the community and we are committed to being good stewards by being both effective and efficient with every donors dollar.

United Way seeks to partner with the most efficient, effective and innovative human service providers in the greater Yankton community. Any 501c3 organization seeking funding must demonstrate the ability to operate programs in a manner consistent with the highest standards of quality, which shall include compliance with United Way management and financial requirements.


In order for the United Way to solicit contributions during the annual Community Campaign, the organization must be able to assure donors that certain rigorous requirements are met. It is the responsibility of the United Way to provide and/or conduct an annual documentation audit substantiating these assurances.


United Way focuses on measurable results within all funded programs and sharing that impact with the community more effectively. Therefore, it is required that all programs clearly identify outcomes and goals for which you are seeking funding. United Way Community Impact investments address priority outcomes within Education, Financial Stability and Health. 

Please contact Jesse Bailey, Executive Director at (605)665-6766 or at regarding any questions about how to apply for Community Impact Grants.

Click here to learn more about our Community Impact Grant Funding Process & United Way's Community Impact Goals!

Key Dates - CI Grants

June 15 - Funding Applications made available via eCImpact


August 1 - Funding Application Deadline


February 1 - Annual Report Due from all funded partners

Connecting Kids Youth Scholarship & Art Education Grants

United Way is pleased to announce the availability of both youth scholarship and art education grants for distribution to 501(c)(3) human service organizations in the greater Yankton area.

Connecting Kids Youth Scholarships

United Way will help fund creative projects generated, planned and implemented by youth for the betterment of their school or community. United Way funding will assist organizations with registration fees/scholarships for youth unable to afford the fees; youth training/education; special youth programs and/or speakers; necessities and/or supplies used for youth projects.


Art Education

To help enrich the lives of community members through art and cultural experiences, United Way is offering organizations that provide accessible and affordable art and/or cultural education to the greater Yankton community. United Way believes that education in the arts is vital to developing the next generation of creative and innovative thinkers, and that every student should have the opportunity to participate in the arts, both in and out of school.


Art Education funding is focused on students, the educators and artists who support them, and the schools and communities that serve them. Students are best served when each level of the system is supported.

Key Dates - CK & Art Ed Grants

June 15 - Funding Applications made available via eCImpact


August 1 - Funding Application Deadline


February 1 - Annual Report Due from all funded partners

Venture Grants

United Way of Greater Yankton Venture Grants offer local health and human service organizations an opportunity to seek one-time funds for innovative solutions to our community’s most pressing needs. The availability of funds for innovation enables UW and our partners to stay proactive within the community.


There are three types of Venture Grants: 
•    Seed Money - intended to provide short-term support for start-up of new or untried programs, or research and/or development. 

•   Delivery Enhancement - intended to enhance the capacity of existing organizations or program delivery systems.  Can help foster improved coordination, staff training, or help organizations develop or improve direct service or administrative mechanisms. 
•   Mental Health Initiatives - intended to provide short-term support for delivery of mental/behavioral health services and associated support services with goals to 1) increase the capacity to meet growing service demand, 2) increase clients accessibility to services, 3) assist with staff trainings/CEU credits, or 4) provide community/client educational programming. 


Venture Grants are time limited.  In most cases, where a Venture Grant is awarded, no commitment for continued UW support is made. 

Applications will be reviewed by the UW Community Impact Allocations Committee semi-annually in May and again in November.  Applicants should allow 2-6 weeks for award determination.


Click here for Venture Grant Eligibility Guidelines & Process Information! 

Key Dates - Venture Grants

Funding Applications are available via eCImpact year round


May 1 - Funding Application Reviews

November 1 - Funding Application Reviews



eCImpact is United Way's online system for managing its annual investment process.  Through eCImpact, organizations seeking funding will be able to submit applications and provide reports and accountability documents.  Our Board of Directors will also have electronic access to organization and program information to assist in decision making and direct resources accordingly.

Where can I access eCImpact's login page for my agency?

Click on the AGENCY LOG IN button above to be directed to eCImpact's log in page. 

What is my eCImpact username?

Your username will be your agency email address.

What if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, please contact to reset it.

I do not have an eCImpact account. How can I create one?

Each agency will have a “primary contact” who is responsible for managing access to your account. Initially, each agency’s          Executive Director/President/CEO will be designated as the primary contact. You should contact them first to request access to

eCImpact (unless your agency has already designated another staff member as your primary contact).

Who should I contact for support or questions about e-CImpact?

​Please contact the United Way of Greater Yankton office:


PHONE: 605-665-6766



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